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Meet The Robinson's

"Believers in Christ, who are engrained with the love for people and community.

Sredrick Robinson:

Minister, Husband, Father, 

Masters of Arts in Human Services with an emphasis on Youth & Young Adults, Bachelors in Liberal Arts with an Emphasis in History, Certified Biblical Counselor, 12 years experience in youth mental health, 11 years experience men discipleship, 18 years human services, 30 years Youth development and crisis intervention, 25 years in Sports Education 


Imani Robinson:

Minister, Wife, Mother, Author

Masters of Arts in Psychology, Bradley University (Peoria, IL), Bachelors of Arts in Education, Certified Biblical Counselor, Certified Life Coach, Certified Urban Youth Leadership/Development (DVULI) Initiative, 10 years experience in Trauma/Crisis Rehabilitation for Youth and Women, 14 years health and wellness experience,16 years experience in Public Speaking, 20 years in Community Ministry. 


Sredrick and Imani Robinson bring you Love in Action INC., known as the church without walls. Our love for God has given us the calling of Love, Community, Relationships, and Service. We strongly believe that God's infinite love for us and our love for Him has given us a mission and calling to ensure our communities have accessibility to the things they need, saturated with the Love of Christ. We are so excited to serve our community and collaborate with people and organizations to fulfill the purpose and Mission we've been called to. We cannot do this alone, we welcome all and look forward to serving you! 

With Love,

The Robinsons


Our Foundation


“ Success is not measured in the amount of dollars you make, but the amount of lives you impact.” 



God knew every mistake you would make & still made a good plan for your life one to prosper you and not harm you. 

– Jeremiah 29:11


"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about."

-Margaret J. Wheatley


“All advocacy is, at its core, an exercise in empathy.”

-Samantha Power



Empowering our City, to be Love in Action, by being Love in Action!

The Community Feed

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Paula J.

I just heard about Love in Action from a friend. I called the number and spoke with Imani. Shes very sweet and understanding. Within a few minutes she was already making plans to deliver food to me and my family. I cant wait for this coronavirus to be done so I can meet this beautiful soul in person. She has alot to offer. Thank you again. Your amazing

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Tanisha L.

I found Love In Action Team through facebook. Very nice people to be able to help people during these hard time. Thank you for helping me and my family during this time. May God keep blessing you to be able to do your good deed. Thank you and GOD bless you

Image by Joyce McCown

Ruby G.

I only recently became aware of this community service organization. The Site Manager is a member of my church and I know her heart for young people. I am impressed with her and husband's outreach to the youth of the larger community. The services that are offered show love and concern for our most valuable assets--our children. God bless them and their mission.

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Katherine K.

I know that your organization does a lot of good and it's a non-profit. Normally for non-profits, I'd only charge for the cast members' time, but I'm going to give this one to you on the house. Love in Action is a minority-owned organization run by a powerful Black woman -- I'd be honored to have my characters there to support your organization. 

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